Jan 29, 2025

Wahoos Assistant Coach

Part time Assistant Coach

Job Description


The Wahoos Assistant Coach is responsible for serving as an Assistant Coach for all practice squads. This position requires working variable hours to maintain the desired number of coaches on the pool deck to provide the best coaching environment possible. Hours also includes assisting at all Wahoo meets and Senior training groups as needed.




  • Conducts practices with a focus on technique, enjoyment, and general sports knowledge.
  • Helps prepare swimmer evaluations and recommendations on move-ups.

·        Understands team schedules and changes.

·        The Wahoos Assistant Coach must keep the Director and Squad Lead Coach informed of any team, pool problems and or members concerns.

·        The Wahoos Assistant Coach will fill out accident reports for any injuries and accidents that occur. If one should occur, he/she will make the necessary actions in first aid and will fill out an accident report and contact a supervisor.

·        Attend all staff meetings and trainings scheduled by the Wahoos. 

  • Attends required swim meets.
  • Submits meet entries when required.
  • Maintains accurate attendance records when required.
  • Assists with clinics.

·        Follows all the pool rules and procedures. Uses pool space and equipment accordingly and put all materials and instructor equipment away after practices.


Staff and YMCA Relations

  • Attends internal coach’s meetings.
  • Meets with Y staff as needed.

·        Adheres to policies and procedures related to boundaries with youth, managing high-risk activities and supervising youth.

·        Completes all required organizational trainings annually.

·        Reports suspicious or inappropriate behaviors and policy violations.

·        Follows mandated abuse reporting requirements.

·        This organization takes every allegation of abuse or misconduct seriously and will fully cooperate with the authorities to investigate all case of alleged abuse or misconduct. Employees and Volunteers shall cooperate with any external investigation by outside authorities or internal investigation conducted by the organization or persons given investigative authority by the organization.

·        An employee or volunteer’s failure to cooperate with an investigation will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or dismissal from the organization.

·        This organization has zero tolerance for abuse and will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of consumers in its programs. Any mistreatment or abuse by an employee or volunteer will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer service and cooperation with law enforcement. 

·        The Wahoo Assistant Coach has access to protected health information (PHI) of Y program participants. The Wahoo Assistant Coach may use and disclose PHI to workforce members for the purpose of treatment, payment, and operations only.


Parent Relations

  • Work with squad VPs and other volunteers.
  • Responds to parent communications by phone, in person, email or in writing in a timely fashion.
  • Keeps parents informed of problems/developments with swimmers.



  • Assists in promoting and recruiting for the overall program.
  • Acts as an advocate within the community for the Wahoo program.
  • Participates with organizing tryouts for new potential Wahoos.


Planning/Budget Management

  • Submits expense reports in a timely manner
  • Provides input to annual planning process on team objectives and strategies.



  • Helps to implement and support team fundraising projects.
  • Actively participates in and upholds the YMCA’s mission to be open and accessible to everyone, regardless of financial situation or special need. Contributes time to raise funds for this worthy and necessary endeavor by supporting the Y’s Annual Giving and Capital Development campaigns.


Effect on End Result

Successful performance of the job duties by the Wahoo Assistant Coach can have a major impact on the overall effectiveness with which the Riverbrook Regional YMCA and the Wahoo team accomplish their goals and objectives through:

  • Ensuring strength and continuity for the overall direction of the program.
  • Executing a consistent training philosophy and communication of team goals.
  • Assuring high quality program delivery and positive image.
  • Retaining current swimmers and inspiring new families to join the team.
  • Improving the skills and performance of the individual participants.
  • Allowing team members to have a positive growth experience.


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