Feb 01, 2025

Head Swim Coach and Assistant Swim Coach

Part time Head Coach Assistant Coach

Job Description

The head and assistant coach positions are part-time, summer seasonal coaching positions based in Locust Grove, VA.  Coaches are expected to oversee and coach practices five days per week for the whole of the RSL season ( May 27th to July 26th), as well as prepare for and attend weeknight meets.  Coaches report directly to the LOW Swim Board.

As the leaders of our team, coaches should be an experienced swimmer and have some coaching experience.  The position serves as a motivational figure who inspires high morale, encourages new members, builds team cohesiveness, communicates effectively, provides stroke feedback, and positive reinforcement.

Required Certifications - Lifeguard Training or WSI and CPR or Community First Aid, SafeSport Training, background check

Hours - Monday - Friday: 7:45-12:15, and usually one evening a week (for meets), plus championships meet which is TBD

Head coach must also attend RSL meeting

Compensation - $2,750 - $4,500 - salary commensurate with experience and position 

To apply - visit www.lowswim.org and fill out the application or send a resume and coverletter to lowswim@gmail.com

Applications are due by March 5, 2025.  We will begin interviewing candidates after the application period closes.

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