Watertown Aquatic Team (WAT) is based in Watertown, WI. WAT practices in Watertown and Waterloo, WI.
The current roster of swimmers for 2022 sessions was between 55-60 swimmers. The team is currently divided into groups for practices: Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Sapphire.
WAT has multiple coaches on deck providing separate workouts depending on the groups in the water. Dryland workouts are expected of the upper level swimmers.
The Watertown Indoor Pool is a 6 lane, 25-yard pool with separate diving well (diving board removed) located at the Riverside Middle School. The pool is shared with the high school swim programs and park and recreation programs.
The Waterloo Indoor Pool is a 6 loane, 25-yard pool located in Waterloo High School. The pool is shared with the school district.
WAT hosts two USA sanctioned meets per year, one in June and one in December. The team uses TeamUnify for communications and hosting the team's website.
Please contact us at watertownaquaticteam@gmail.com for more information.