Fort Collins Area Swim Team


World Class Character through Excellence in Swimming


FAST is an Athlete Centered, Coach Driven, Parent Supported team that develops character, swimming excellence, and leadership.

Core Objectives

  • World Class Character
    • Promote positive attitudes and actions in and out of the pool
    • Demonstrate Respect, Integrity, Work Ethic, Servant Leadership and Grit
    • Form long-term respectful and supportive friendships and relationships 
  • Swimming Excellence
    • Prioritize goal setting and skill development for peak performance
    • Promote long term athletic development
    • Develop a passion for swimming that leads to a healthy lifestyle
    • Be the leader in swimming excellence in the Western Zone
  • Leadership 
    • Provide a safe and positive environment for all team members
    • Be the youth sport of choice in Northern Colorado
    • Build community through relationships with schools, city, and local partners
    • Provide leadership opportunities for all athletes, coaches, and parents
  • Organizational Success
    • Maintain financial stability, sustain long term growth, and retain professional staff
    • Effective and clear communication between athletes, coaches, and parents
    • Recruit, train, and recognize athlete and parent volunteers