World Class Character through Excellence in Swimming
FAST is an Athlete Centered, Coach Driven, Parent Supported team that develops character, swimming excellence, and leadership.
Core Objectives
- World Class Character
- Promote positive attitudes and actions in and out of the pool
- Demonstrate Respect, Integrity, Work Ethic, Servant Leadership and Grit
- Form long-term respectful and supportive friendships and relationships
- Swimming Excellence
- Prioritize goal setting and skill development for peak performance
- Promote long term athletic development
- Develop a passion for swimming that leads to a healthy lifestyle
- Be the leader in swimming excellence in the Western Zone
- Leadership
- Provide a safe and positive environment for all team members
- Be the youth sport of choice in Northern Colorado
- Build community through relationships with schools, city, and local partners
- Provide leadership opportunities for all athletes, coaches, and parents
- Organizational Success
- Maintain financial stability, sustain long term growth, and retain professional staff
- Effective and clear communication between athletes, coaches, and parents
- Recruit, train, and recognize athlete and parent volunteers