City of Ontario

The City of Ontario

The City of Ontario is a dynamic leading community in the Inland Empire with a variety of full-time and part-time employment and volunteer opportunities. Ontario enjoys the reputation of being a progressive City which provides solid leadership to its citizens and to the business community. The City provides a full range of services to the community including; Police, Fire, Administrative Services, Community Services, Development, Economic Development, Housing, and the Ontario Municipal Utilities Company. The City's team is staffed with approximately 1,100 full-time and 200 part-time diverse and talented employees who work to support a common goal of providing excellent service to the community.

Recreation & Community Services Department

The City of Ontario’s Recreation & Community Services Department provides opportunities for wholesome, year-round public recreational services for every age group.  Through a comprehensive array of programs and events, the Department continually strives to meet the City Council’s goal to provide enhanced recreational, education, and cultural activities to the community.  The Department operates six community centers, senior center, provides programming in over thirty parks, three dog parks, and a municipal golf course.